The project addressed the impediments in taxonomy, which constrain the much-needed information on biodiversity conservation in the ASEAN region, by promoting and enhancing the implementation of the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI).
The project conducted taxonomy-related activities to support the needs of the ESABII, GBIF, and APBON regarding taxonomic information. The project charted the GTI course in Southeast Asia to update the Southeast Asia GTI RAP for 2017–2025, determined the impact of past taxonomy training in ASEAN from 2010–2015, and conducted a training course on the taxonomy of high-elevation vascular plants.
Both a natural and cultural heritage of Brunei, this is the country’s biggest wildlife sanctuary, a recreational centre and venue
Warmly welcomed by children clad in ASEAN costumes, Dr. Cristiana Paşca Palmer, the newly appointed Executive Secretary of the Secretariat