The project, implemented in Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam, supported the development of biodiversity-based products along the value chain approach referred to as biodiversity-based value chains.
Considered as one of ASEAN’s interventions in mainstreaming biodiversity in the business sector, the BBP Project laid the groundwork for related policy formulations, provides lessons learned from the pilot projects implemented, and produced several knowledge products as references for similar future projects.
Strategy to support BBP value chains, as well as policies for the ASEAN and the AMS, was developed and implemented;
A central information platform on BBP at the ACB, to provide information for the development of BBP value chains for the public, private, and civil sector in the AMS, was established;
BBP value chains towards improved livelihoods and biodiversity conservation were successfully implemented; and
Capacities and competencies in the development of BBP value chains in the private sector, particularly small businesses of AMS, were enhanced.
Mr. Johannes Kerner, Counsellor for Economic Affairs at German Embassy Bangkok
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